
Showing posts from March, 2022
  Cloud On-Demand Self-Service The first of the essential characteristics that I want to cover is on-demand self-service. The definition from the NIST is, “A consumer can unilaterally provision computing capabilities, such as server time and network storage, as needed automatically without requiring human interaction with each service provider.” Cloud On-Demand Self-Service Example – AWS EC2 Walkthrough The easiest way to describe this is to show you how it actually works, so let’s have a look at  Amazon Web Services  and I will automatically provision a virtual machine running in the AWS cloud. I’m here on the  AWS console page  and I’m going to sign in with my account. Then I’m going to click on the services button up in the top left and choose the EC2 service. That stands for ‘Elastic Cloud Computing’ and this is Amazon’s service where I can provision virtual machines. I’m going to fire up a new virtual machine instance, so I’ll click on the Instances tab over on the left. Then clic
  Essential Characteristics of Cloud Computing Resources Pooling On-Demand Self-Service Easy Maintenance Scalability And Rapid Elasticity Economical Measured And Reporting Service Security Automation Resiliency And Availability Large Network Access Work From Any  Location Multi-Tenancy Flexibility Service Excellence Comfortable Payment Structure 1.  RESOURCES POOLING Resource pooling is one of the essential characteristics of Cloud Computing. Resource pooling means that a cloud service provider can share resources among several clients, providing everyone with a different set of services as per their requirements. It is a multi-client strategy that can be applied to data storage services, processing services, and bandwidth provided services. The administration process of allocating resources in real-time doesn’t conflict with the client’s experience. 2.  ON-DEMAND SELF-SERVICE It is one of the significant and essential features of Cloud Computing. It enables the client to constantly mo
  Components in Cloud Computing Cloud computing components correspond to platforms such as front end, back end, and cloud-dependent delivery and the utilized network. So, a framework of cloud computing is broadly categorized as three specifically clients, distributed servers and datacentre. For the operation of this computing, the following three components have a big hand and the responsibilities of these components can be elucidated clearly as below: Clients Clients in cloud computing are in general to the operation of  Local Area Networks  (LAN’s). They are just the desktops where they have their place on desks. These might be also in the form of laptops, mobiles, tablets to enhance mobility. Clients hold the responsibility of interaction which pushes for the management of data on cloud servers. Datacentre It is an array of servers that houses the subscribed application. Progressing the IT industry has brought the concept of virtualizing servers, where the software might be installe